Friday, August 29, 2008

Hunter, aka Super Destroyer

I've just had the pleasure of spending 4 days with my daughter Sheri and her almost 2 year old son, Hunter.

Hunter, in my opinion, is very appropriately named. This little man would be at home with a little loincloth and miniature spear. His energy and curiosity is a delight to watch even though it can drive his mama a little nuts.

On one of our little outings, Sheri needed to do some shopping alone so I followed Hunter around the mall. He never stopped running. I followed him around the atrium, down the upper level to Sears, to the back of Sears and then all the way back to the atrium again. If we didn't cover 1/2 a mile, I'd be surprised. Why he didn't drop from exhaustion only confirms my impression of him. After an organic chocolate milk, he was on his way again!!!

I love to watch my grandchildren grow. Not being the primary cargiver gives me a chance to observe a little more objectively and to see nuances that I missed with my own kids. When there are loads of laundry to wash, dinner to cook and dishes to wash afterwards, there's just not so much time to observe their little minds at work. I didn't think I'd fall for my grandbabies like I have but they are just so darn cute and smart that I just can't help it!!!!

The only problem with this is that they all live so darn far away!

1 comment:

E said...

I do have way cute grandkids!