Thursday, February 17, 2011

Florida Winters....No Snow but There ARE Some Avantages!

This is just a small sample of my sugar snap pea crop. It's a shame none of them make it into the house. I figure, if I make the effort to pick, I have the right to EAT!!!!

I spent a few minutes today harvesting my "chicken compost" this morning too. Every spring I fill my chicken run with leaves my neighbors through away. For the next 12 months, my girls scratch, peck, poop and otherwise break down those leaves into a beautiful dark leaf mold that my garden loves. You just can't get better than that!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recovery: Day Two!

I've made the decision not to go back to Bootcamp until next Monday. That being said, I did manage to do 2 massages, go grocery shopping and cut weeds for my chickies to munch on without falling over. My house is still out of control....and will just have to stay that way until I address the loudest squeaky wheel, one day at a time. I've pretty much put my food program on the back burner until I "feel better" and I have to acknowledge that that time as arrived. I ate chips and queso for dinner tonight. (Heavy sigh). I must take responsibility tomorrow.

My college girl, Sheri, called me this evening on her way home all atwitter about a super cool tour of the rare books department of her college, Kennesaw State in Atlanta. I love to hear andectotes about where phrases come from (ask her where "warts and all" came from !). More, I love hearing the excitment in her voice about learning. Yes, the grades are important but when someone learns just to learn, you just can't get better than that!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Finally Feeling Human

It'll be week Thursday that I got home from Virginia. I've spent every day since then on the couch coughing, hacking, wheezing and watching movies. I felt well enough yesterday to work on cross stitch. And today I'm thinking there MIGHT be a life for out there after all! I walked around my garden this morning for about 15 minutes which called for an hour on the couch to recover. Still, I'm feeling much stronger now.

I DID learn a few things and lest I forget the next time this hits....

1. USE EXPECTORANT, NOT A DECONGESTANT!!!! There is nothing worse than a dry cough. I think it helped my ears some but they even seem to be draining better now than before.

2. REST. I hardly ever feel bad enough to be content sitting on the sofa all day. I know I'm sick when I can't even hear the dishes calling....or the ice cream!

3. SLEEP ON THE COUCH. Much better back support for those all-encompassing hack-up-glop coughing fits that make me feel like there's a lung coming up. Also, how can I expect my hubby to take care of me if I keep him up all night?

4. FLUIDS. Drink as much as you can get down. Yes, there will be more bathroom trips but you need to get up a little anyway. Also, more water means the mucus thins and is easier to cough up. See #1

5. DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Now's the time eat Chinese take out, use paper plates and delegate chores to the rest of the family!

So, I'm not the mend. Wash you hands everyone! YOU DO NOT WANT THIS!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tubing and Skiing At Liberty Mountain

Mike and I finally got our chance to play in the snow! Because we had to get up super early two days in a row, we decided we'd be better off tubing the first day to give us a chance to rest. The carpet lift took all the work out of tubing and left us all the fun of speeding down the hill! This is a camera video of me and Mike, side by side. I had no control and just spun around the full length of the run.

The next day, we strapped on our skis and hit the slopes.....kind of. First order of business was to take a lesson. Then we rode the ski lift high up into the mountain.....well, the bunny slope anyway. Mike was a natural and was anxious to go on the more difficult hills. Well, that will have to wait for another trip.