Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bertha Made a Right Hand Turn....Rats!!!

I know most sane people would rather a hurricane NOT hit their state. In 2004 Central Florida received visits from Charlie, Francis and Jeanne. I hate it that many people lost their homes or had substantial damage to their property. People who live on the west coast of Florida had a bullseye on their butt (it seemed) and for 6 weeks we lived "on alert." Every other weekend had us pulling out the generator and using flashlights for almost a week at a time.

Still, the storms in a diluted form can be a lot of fun. Charlie came through at night and we watched out of the window as the power transformers blew, one at a time. Such a beautiful blue green glow! Francis came through during the day so Mike, Carley and I put on our roller blades, held sheets between us and did some land sailing down the street. We looked like we were having so much fun that my normally rain-avoiding husband joined us!

I guess my love of storms came to me honestly. My fondest memories of my mother involve long walks in Virginia storms, biting wind and pounding rain forging our bond. She loved the occasional snows we got in the south too. One winter night in Charleston SC, she woke me up at 2am so I could watch my very first snow fall. Her friends couldn't understand why she did that....I do. We built a snowman together out of the quarter inch of snow. It took up every bit of snow in our yard but we did it!!

Mom wasn't afraid to slide on the ice either. I feel like I'm pretty young for my age and Mom was too. She was probably around 45 when an ice storm hit Virginia Beach and we spent the morning together taking running starts and sliding down the slick road we lived on. We came in the house after a couple hours, wet from sweat and snow and melting ice, our cheeks red as apples and giggles bubbling out for hours after.

So, this is my trip down memory lane. I love storms and my kids seem to as well so we've passed it down for one more generation...but wait! Alex and I have already gone "crik stomping!" Yes! Mom, your tradition lives on!!!!


pennylutz said...

I love hearing the stories from when you were a kid. And I didn't know that you and the kids went roller sailing! I'm so jealous.

E said...

I love storms too--something that I inherited from my mom, I just don't like snow--one of hte great ironies fo my life. I am forever labeled with the one of the two things i hate most in this world! I am glad Penny made you do this I am having so much fun!