Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Search is On

I am a woman of obsessions. Or perhaps I should say that I am true to my astrological sign, Taurus. Once I get my mind set on a course of action, it takes a small miracle to disuade me until I am simply tired of fighting. I'm just a little bull-ish.

So my current dream is that of property. I know that there are a couple acres of land out there that belong to me, I just have to find them. Today Rich and I drove out to Clermont to see a promising piece of Florida. Described as "partially cleared" with 3 of the 5 acres suitable for building, I was prepared to allow Mother Earth her portion of "my" property as 3 acres is really quite enough for me. A little lowland was okay.

Getting to the lot wasn't too difficult. Newly paved Route 33 gave us hope, especially since the engineers included a bike lane through the whole stretch of road. Wow! We could live in the country and still have access to biking! We took the right turn at Oil Well Rd...okay, not too bad. Some cleared land but the land seemed to be getting a little lower. At the group of mailboxes, we took another right (because the dirt "road" wasn't marked!). We carefully drove over the whoop-de-dos, the kind that are a blast to go over on a motorcycle but that could bottom out your car if you pushed too fast. And then, there it was....that lovely partially cleared plot.

We could tell it had recently been bushhogged and explored as far as we could. This plot was definitely slanting a bit toward the creek that ran through one side. Creek? I mean swamp. The high and dry part of the plot ran along the neighbor's fence, about 200 yards back but only 60 feet or so across. As long as the weather stayed relatively dry, we would be okay. But we would be up an 'unsanitary tributary without a visible means of locomotion' if a hurricane dropped 10 inches of rain...not unheard of here in Florida.

So, I just figured it out. In order to raise 2 of these acres 1 foot, we would have to truck in 10 loads of clay at 40 cubic yards each. Having purchased ONE truck load for my yard a few years ago, I know exactly what kind of work we would be looking at. Even with unlimited monies, it would be formidable project. But the fact that I figured out how much dirt we would need testifies that I'm STILL obsessing over this land!!!

Keep me in your prayers. I'm disappointed but I know God's will will be done. And I'm still very keen for the hunt!!!!!

1 comment:

E said...

you crack me up--i am going to remember the unsanitary tributary line for future use