Monday, April 26, 2010


I've finally decided to learn to put pictures on my blog....instead of relying on the symphathies of my (wonderful) children! Maybe it will give them one less thing to chuckle about!!!

So much has happened since I last logged on. I'm going to start with the mundane but fun and work my way into the really cool another grandson to crow about! It may take some time, so please be patient with me!

Below you will meet "Miss Bunny", my year old New Zealand Red doe who has had 2 beautiful litters so far. She's a funny bunny....only really sweet if she's nursing or pregnant! Her most recent litter numbered NINE babies. Unfortunately, we lost one due to injury. The prococious little thing hurt its neck jumping out of the nest box and paralyzed itself.

These little ones just turned 5 weeks old and are ready to wean! I also have another doe (we call her The B_____) and a buck (male) whom we call.....LOL....Bucky. I never claimed to have a wonderful imagination!

I've also been experimenting with container gardening. I planted carrots in this pot a few months ago. I put my foot in the picture to give some scale. The pot is a 14" that I bought at IKEA.

This is the harvest....3/4 of a pound of fresh, unpoisoned carrots. I know, it seems a lot of work for just a smallish harvest. Still, there's something really fun about pulling a sweet carrot out of the ground. Almost like hunting Easter eggs!


pennylutz said...

I'm glad you're back. I love seeing the pictures of your bunnies... so cute! And yay you figured out pictures.

E said...

I'm so glad you're back:) You crack me up--you going to mention what you do with the litters? Or are you afraind those freaky PETA people will come afer you:) Love you!!!