Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Finally Feeling Human

It'll be week Thursday that I got home from Virginia. I've spent every day since then on the couch coughing, hacking, wheezing and watching movies. I felt well enough yesterday to work on cross stitch. And today I'm thinking there MIGHT be a life for out there after all! I walked around my garden this morning for about 15 minutes which called for an hour on the couch to recover. Still, I'm feeling much stronger now.

I DID learn a few things and lest I forget the next time this hits....

1. USE EXPECTORANT, NOT A DECONGESTANT!!!! There is nothing worse than a dry cough. I think it helped my ears some but they even seem to be draining better now than before.

2. REST. I hardly ever feel bad enough to be content sitting on the sofa all day. I know I'm sick when I can't even hear the dishes calling....or the ice cream!

3. SLEEP ON THE COUCH. Much better back support for those all-encompassing hack-up-glop coughing fits that make me feel like there's a lung coming up. Also, how can I expect my hubby to take care of me if I keep him up all night?

4. FLUIDS. Drink as much as you can get down. Yes, there will be more bathroom trips but you need to get up a little anyway. Also, more water means the mucus thins and is easier to cough up. See #1

5. DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Now's the time eat Chinese take out, use paper plates and delegate chores to the rest of the family!

So, I'm not the mend. Wash you hands everyone! YOU DO NOT WANT THIS!

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