Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A (New) Adventure

A few years back I had the opportunity to go to Ireland and mark off something from my Bucket List. After taking a class for massage therapy, I went on a week long horseback tour of the Wicklow Mountains in southeast Ireland. I rode a cob horse most of the time. Very broad across the back and sensible between the ears. I marvelled at how considerate the Irish drivers were when they came across the line of us on their oh so very narrow country roads. It was not uncommon for them to have to wait 100 yards or so before we could exit and allow them to pass. Not once did I hear a horn blow or cursing because of the delay. Most of them smiled and waved and went on their way. And I can't credit it to a laid back driving style either. I rode in from the airport with a driver from a B & B and held my breath more than once as we barreled around a blind curve.

Well, I have the opportunity to do some trail riding here in Florida now. I've leased a horse in Apopka and have almost direct access to some country trails. I wouldn't dream of testing drivers in the States. I have too much experience on the rode with my bike to imagine that my countrymen would think about horses any differently. But I am so looking forward to some nice relaxing rides in the woods and maybe down the West Orange Trail. I'll post pictures soon!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nothing Exciting But Life is Good!

So as the title says, nothing real exciting has been going on the last month or so but life is WONDERFUL. As you would expect to see in my blog, my garden is doing great. I'm picking a couple pounds of vegetables every day now...cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, broccoli, chard, kale and the occasional carrot and onion. I'm learning, finally, to stay on top of problems. When I noticed spider mites on my tomatoes, I sprayed them with horticultural oil immediately. Bt works for the worms. Oh, and I've learned that when I pick the secondary florets off the broccoli plants, I break the stalk off where it meets the main plant. I'm getting a much longer harvest that way.

Our baby chickies aren't so small anymore and their voices are starting the crack. Believe me, it's as funny listening to adolescent chickens as teenage boys! I have a suspicion that one of our hens is going to crow in spite of our daily warnings to the girls that "if you crow, you go!" Time will tell on that one.

I had a single car fender bender yesterday at the Sam's parking lot. Just a moment of distraction and, cha ching, the body shop is $3888 richer. Still, no one was hurt, the insurance is covering my rental car and I thank God I hit a post and not a person! I'll take that lesson and be happy for it!

That's been the last month or so.

Next WEEK, life gets exciting as well as wonderful. My baby girl, Carley, is graduating from COLLEGE. I mean, when did THAT happen??? I'm so proud of the progress she's made in dealing with a "challenging" internship. Her maturity and willingness makes me so happy and hopeful for her future. And to celebrate that little walk across the stage, the whole family will be here. That's 4 children, 1 son in law and 5 grandkids in my little bitty house. But seasoned with a lot of courtesy and sprinkles with tolerance, we are going to have a blast!

I can't ask for better!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

No Sleep Again

When my babies were little, I remembering wishing they would just sleep through the night and looked forward to the time when 2,4 and 6 am feedings were just a (sweet) memory. Then I got old. Now, there are nights I simply do not sleep. No real reason. My eyes just slam open when I lay my head on the pillow. So I get up, read a boring book, look at Craigslist, (write in my blog) or find a movie that I might be able to fall asleep to. The point is, there IS not point in getting upset about it. Will I be tired in the morning? Yes. Will I function at my best? No. But will worrying about it change a thing? Absolutely not. In fact, worrying about insomnia is, get ready for it.....a CAUSE of insomnia!!! So I keep a supply of 5 Hour Energy drinks in the cupboard for the days I have to go to work. I do the best I can to forget I didn't sleep and I look forward to a GREAT night's sleep at that day's end! Oh, by the way, being the only one awake in the house has it's perks. No one fights you for the computer or the TV controller. And, if you get real quiet and just BE, the early morning hours are the best times for feeling and hearing God!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Florida Winters....No Snow but There ARE Some Avantages!

This is just a small sample of my sugar snap pea crop. It's a shame none of them make it into the house. I figure, if I make the effort to pick, I have the right to EAT!!!!

I spent a few minutes today harvesting my "chicken compost" this morning too. Every spring I fill my chicken run with leaves my neighbors through away. For the next 12 months, my girls scratch, peck, poop and otherwise break down those leaves into a beautiful dark leaf mold that my garden loves. You just can't get better than that!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recovery: Day Two!

I've made the decision not to go back to Bootcamp until next Monday. That being said, I did manage to do 2 massages, go grocery shopping and cut weeds for my chickies to munch on without falling over. My house is still out of control....and will just have to stay that way until I address the loudest squeaky wheel, one day at a time. I've pretty much put my food program on the back burner until I "feel better" and I have to acknowledge that that time as arrived. I ate chips and queso for dinner tonight. (Heavy sigh). I must take responsibility tomorrow.

My college girl, Sheri, called me this evening on her way home all atwitter about a super cool tour of the rare books department of her college, Kennesaw State in Atlanta. I love to hear andectotes about where phrases come from (ask her where "warts and all" came from !). More, I love hearing the excitment in her voice about learning. Yes, the grades are important but when someone learns just to learn, you just can't get better than that!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Finally Feeling Human

It'll be week Thursday that I got home from Virginia. I've spent every day since then on the couch coughing, hacking, wheezing and watching movies. I felt well enough yesterday to work on cross stitch. And today I'm thinking there MIGHT be a life for out there after all! I walked around my garden this morning for about 15 minutes which called for an hour on the couch to recover. Still, I'm feeling much stronger now.

I DID learn a few things and lest I forget the next time this hits....

1. USE EXPECTORANT, NOT A DECONGESTANT!!!! There is nothing worse than a dry cough. I think it helped my ears some but they even seem to be draining better now than before.

2. REST. I hardly ever feel bad enough to be content sitting on the sofa all day. I know I'm sick when I can't even hear the dishes calling....or the ice cream!

3. SLEEP ON THE COUCH. Much better back support for those all-encompassing hack-up-glop coughing fits that make me feel like there's a lung coming up. Also, how can I expect my hubby to take care of me if I keep him up all night?

4. FLUIDS. Drink as much as you can get down. Yes, there will be more bathroom trips but you need to get up a little anyway. Also, more water means the mucus thins and is easier to cough up. See #1

5. DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Now's the time eat Chinese take out, use paper plates and delegate chores to the rest of the family!

So, I'm not the mend. Wash you hands everyone! YOU DO NOT WANT THIS!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tubing and Skiing At Liberty Mountain

Mike and I finally got our chance to play in the snow! Because we had to get up super early two days in a row, we decided we'd be better off tubing the first day to give us a chance to rest. The carpet lift took all the work out of tubing and left us all the fun of speeding down the hill! This is a camera video of me and Mike, side by side. I had no control and just spun around the full length of the run.

The next day, we strapped on our skis and hit the slopes.....kind of. First order of business was to take a lesson. Then we rode the ski lift high up into the mountain.....well, the bunny slope anyway. Mike was a natural and was anxious to go on the more difficult hills. Well, that will have to wait for another trip.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5 and Still Truckin'

So far so good on the change of lifestyle I've made a decision to address (notice I DIDN'T say that word, DIET....sshhhh). I spent most of my day yesterday with a good friend who really likes to eat out. It's been a problem for me because I've allowed her decisions to control MY decisions. I mean, who wants a salad when there's all kinds of fatty, savory deliciousness pictured on the menu.....never mind the smells seducing my taste buds!

But yesterday went ok. I ate out. I made decisions. My smart phone made it easy because I could pull up the nutrition stats on the restaurants. I still wanted the "yummy" stuff but felt good all day because I chose differently. And this morning I feel better physically than I would have felt had I done the same old thing. At this moment I don't miss the lo mein i didn't eat last night.

The important thing though, is to LIVE. I wish I could say my new found willingness has created an immaculate house, the bathtub replaced, my paperwork complete. It hasn't. But it IS creating some interesting possibilities!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Ok, so I went back on my word last year. I STILL can't remember how to put pictures on this damn machine so I'm just going to BLOG!!!

Like many thousands (millions?) of Americans, the New Year is a time for reflection, for taking stock and for MAKING RESOLUTIONS! I admit, I'm running right there with the herd on this one. New Year's Eve day was spent in reflection, in taking a personal inventory......AND in eating everything I could get my hands on before the clock struck twelve. Because I KNEW that the sound of my ship's clock and the boom of neighborhood fireworks would also herald in the most common of the "New Year's Resolutions." This year I'm really gonna do it. This year I'm going to lose weight.

My trainer has implemented a "50 pounds in 50 weeks" goal for all that are interested in our boot camp. I will be thrilled with 35 pounds thank you very much although the stupid insurance guidelines say I should really lose about 60. Not gonna happen, that. Still, she pointed out that all I have to do is eat 500 fewer calories and/or burn off 500 additional calories with exercise. Actually, it will be a combination of both.

I don't eat out too frequently anymore but an occasional fast food stop in this day and age is almost impossible (for me) so I've started checking out a few common foods. Did you know that a McD's hamburger is 250 calories???? That's a plain burger. The one that's gone in 3 good bites! My favorite breakfast, a bacon egg and cheese biscuit is between 420 and 480 calories! I'm going to be eating the egg McMuffin from now on. But what really bowled me over was the calorie count for the Big Breakfast with Hotcakes.....1090 calories!!!! That's nearly my allotment for the entire day! Thank God for Taco Bell (taco, 150 calories) and Subway (some 6 inch sandwiches right around 300 calories!) I should buy stock in both!

So I've already worked out today which is good because I'm going to be busier than a one armed paper hanger. Breakfast will be an egg sandwich at home and a couple tangerines that are fresh and delicious! I'm feeling healthier already!