Living in Florida can be challenging at times. Brutal summers and relentless hurricanes make some people crazy and they move away, thankfully! Still, September brings a new spring for us. This is the time to plant the big garden, the time when bug populations diminish and temperatures moderate to not only bearable but pleasant. When sunsets become golden instead of steamy, I remember why we stay in Central Florida.
This morning I took my trailer and gathered a load of grass clippings from a nearby neighborhood. I will put them in my compost pile so that I can continue to improve my soil for my little garden plots. I guess in the grand scheme of things this isn't much. Still, I can't help but believe that if everyone did just a little, Mother Earth would be much eased in her distress. I'm not convinced about human induced global warming. I am convinced that we are to be stewards of the land, responsible for her wise and compassionate use.
Your garden has gotten so pretty! Good job! I can't wait to eat some tasty snacks that come out of there.
I love what you are doing with the front yard plot. It's going to be so pretty when you finish it. We can't wait to see you in 10 days! I need help getting my window garden going.
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