If I'm not mistaken, I'm the Old Woman of this little blog group. Having just turned 50 (and grateful for it, I must say) there are experiences that I am privileged to have that for which you youngsters will just have to wait a few more years. For instance, I'm freer to be friendly with young men because they know that this old lady means nothing by a little flirting.
Today I 'jumped the gap' for sure.
As per medical advice, the 50th year of life is also the first year of certain intrusive tests, ie., checking for polyps in the plumbing. For some of you, this may be too much information and for that, I apologize and suggest you stop reading now. But if you can't laugh at a colonoscopy, what's the point of these Golden Years?
The last two days have been filled with white grape juice and laxative tablets. No food, no red or purple anything, no milk. Clear broth, slurpees (woo hoo!!) clear juices, water. The recommendation is that one stays near the "facilities" during the cleansing and I found out that this was indeed, excellent advice.....because you just never know when....well, you know!
Actually, I had it pretty easy. The protocol used to use something call GoLitely, a foul (from what I hear) nasty gallon of "cleanser" that you had to consume on a schedule. The pills my (very handsome) doctor gave me were a piece of cake to get down. Oh, did I mention my very handsome young doctor? Of East Indian descent, his English is impeccable and his features all the best of his ethnic inheritance. It's a pity he has to deal with the back ends of people all day.
So my husband took me to the center this afternoon. I checked in, paid my bill and they took me back. Of course the first thing to do is ....take off the clothes and put on the gown. I felt rather chilly but then this angel of a nurse dropped a heated blanket on me. AAHHH. Looking back, the IV in my hand was the worst. I could feel the blood drain from my face for a minute or two but I recovered quickly. Are you ready for the good stuff?, they asked. Only if I'll wake up again, I replied. She smile and pushed down the plunger . At first, nothing and I got worried. And then the most delicious warmth spread over me and I was gone. Out.
The next thing I know, I am waking up and expelling that which they used to inflate my colon for a better view. I guess some people are a little shy about that because they kept encouraging me to...continue. They don't know me very well. I don't need any encouragement to.....continue. I got dressed and was wheeled out to my waiting car and husband. Lunch at the China Buffet started with won ton soup. I feel much better now!!!
I'm feeling a little foggy still and will take it easy today. The whole experience went well and my apprehensions were foundless. And of course, the drugs were great! So, you young whipper snappers, eat your fiber, lots of whole grain and plenty of vegetables. Remember that broccoli acts like little scrubbers in your pipes. Oatmeal too.
And remember...you, too, have something to look forward to!!!
Visiting With Grandma Part 2
13 years ago