So far so good on the change of lifestyle I've made a decision to address (notice I DIDN'T say that word, DIET....sshhhh). I spent most of my day yesterday with a good friend who really likes to eat out. It's been a problem for me because I've allowed her decisions to control MY decisions. I mean, who wants a salad when there's all kinds of fatty, savory deliciousness pictured on the menu.....never mind the smells seducing my taste buds!
But yesterday went ok. I ate out. I made decisions. My smart phone made it easy because I could pull up the nutrition stats on the restaurants. I still wanted the "yummy" stuff but felt good all day because I chose differently. And this morning I feel better physically than I would have felt had I done the same old thing. At this moment I don't miss the lo mein i didn't eat last night.
The important thing though, is to LIVE. I wish I could say my new found willingness has created an immaculate house, the bathtub replaced, my paperwork complete. It hasn't. But it IS creating some interesting possibilities!
Visiting With Grandma Part 2
13 years ago