With my two older daughters expecting children this year, it was a real honor to be invited to attend the birth of both new grandchildren. I figured it would be relatively easy to arrive in time to witness Sheri's new little one. After all, what is an eight hour trip compared to her last labor of 30 hours? As soon as she decided her time had come, I would load up the car and point her north. If I didn't drink too much (to bypass so many potty breaks!) I could be there in, say, 6.5 hours. Piece of cake.
So, my darling mother to be called me Monday evening to tell me she thinks she's in labor but the contractions aren't too close together and they feel at an intensity level of a 2-3. Ok....early labor. I pack my car.
8:00am. As I drive to work, we chat again. Contractions maybe 5-8 minutes apart, intensity up to a 4. Progressing nicely but still early. She carried on a conversation without effort....no real strain. There's time still. I proceed to work and do 2 massages with the intent of driving up right after work.
12:30pm. I'm on the Florida Turnpike and we talk. Hhmm....things are getting serious now. A little more intense, a little closer together. But in the back of my mind I remind myself of her 30 hour labor. No problem. I should get there just about in time to drive with them to the hospital.
2:00pm. I get a call saying they are GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!!!!!! What the heck? She MUST be overreacting.....right? But the strain in her voice is real enough. I drive a little faster....
4:00pm. I call and DANNY answers. Wait a minute....that's not right! "Oh sorry," he says, "Grayson was born at 3:37pm."
I missed it. It took just a few more hours before I met my newest grandson. Perhaps an earlier departure would have been prudent. Still, I'm so glad this birth moved along. The birth story is hers to tell but I would say going from 5 to 10 centimeters dialation in less than 45 minutes is pretty remarkable. I think her body was telling her..."Ain't NO WAY I'm going through THAT again!!!"